Sunday 31 January 2010

I will write a short story.

I am taking a creative writing fiction class that fulfills a requirement for my English major. For this class, the majority of the assignments will be writing short stories and critiquing the short stories that others write. Since I have full artistic licence to write whatever I feel like, things should get interesting and stay interesting quite quickly.

I have to have three characters minimum for all of my stories. In class we discussed how difficult it was to make up characters out of nothing; we are best at writing about that with which we are most familiar. Luckily, I live with a gentleman who has been blessed with three first names and a variety of character traits swirling around in one personality. Michael Taylor James will become Michael, Taylor and James.

Michael is the hopeless romantic who is in a long distance relationship with a girl who is a Creationist despite the influences of Michael's level headed intellect. He spends his time away from his girlfriend texting his girlfriend and serving as a mediator between Taylor and James. Taylor should be at MIT, but he is underachieving instead as a physics and chemistry double major. He is very up tight and easily flustered. James is probably the best character. He has long hair, a beard, loves drinking, cussing and having a good time. As uncouth as he is, everyone has an affectionate spot saved just for him. At the same time, he is infuriating to live with and impossible to bring to reason. Most of my stories will not be fiction, but rather I will use things that have happened to me or that I have heard about as a member of PHA. The best part is that my roommate and fraternity brothers make these stories...everything will write itself. I just wonder how much of them my professor will be able to tolerate. We will see.

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