Thursday 7 January 2010

Good Friends, Bad Habits

There is a song by Owen sharing the title of this entry that is pretty sweet. He, Owen, who really has another name, likens his friends to the literary figures Oscar Wilde and Ernest Hemingway. This is a pretty absurd analogy given that Wilde allegedly dabbled in homosexuality, by which I mean he was rumored to have had sex with dudes here, there and everywhere even though he married a woman (named Constance I believe). Hemingway probably drank a lot and eventually committed suicide. Owen is obviously a super emo fellow who enjoys things a bit over the top. But the song itself is very pleasant to listen to so I listen to it all the time. I think he is singing about feeling lost amidst his friends' tendencies and how he wants to do something cool too. Given that I admittedly may over indulge from time to time I think I am well within my bounds to say that I too have friends that are a bit crazy at times. But I like it that way; boring people are not very good to be friends with if one would like to enjoy oneself. But when Owen sings so nicely about his friends fucking like Wilde and dying like Hemingway I think that perhaps being reckless catches up to us all. Luckily, college and the years in close proximity are made for such things. I require coffee. I do not like P.B. Shelley and I would like to finish Moby Dick since I never could on the plane back home.

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